Achaeus of eretria biography channel

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Achaeus of Eretria (Ancient Greek: Ἀχαιός ὁ Ἐρετριεύς; born 484 BC in Euboea) was a Greek playwright and author of tragedies and satyr plays.
achaeus of eretria biography channel

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Achaeus ( Ἀχαιός) of Eretria in Euboea, a tragic poet, was born B. C. 484, the year in which Aeschylus gained his first victory, and four years before the birth of Euripides.

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Achaeus of Eretria was a Greek playwright author of tragedies and satyr plays, variously said to have written 24, 30, or 44 plays, of which 19 titles are known: Adrastus, Aethon, Alcmeon, .

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Achaeus of Eretria was regarded in antiquity as being the 2nd greatest writer of satyr plays, after Aeschylus.