Valerie shu xian lim biography

Xian lim parents

10K Followers, 3, Following, Posts - Valerie Lim林淑娴 (@msvalerielim) on Instagram: "Digital Editor Tatler Gen.T @tatlergen.t Miss Universe Singapore 💪🏼 fitness | health Mama .
valerie shu xian lim biography

Valerie shu xian lim biography

Valerie Lim has "beauty" in her blood.

Xian lim birthdate

In this feature, we shine the spotlight on Valerie Lim's journey as the National Director of Miss Universe Singapore.

Xian lim autobiography
Already in more than stores across 36 countries and four continents, here's what the Allies of Skin founder has to say about his journey and the recent institutional fundraise.